Opinion - The Buffalo News
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By Frank J. Dinan Recent headlines have proclaimed what seems to be an impossible situation: “Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise, while human-induced carbon dioxide emissions decline.” We are left to wonder about this seeming paradox. While this headline seems contradictory, it really isn’t. To understand why, we need only to think of two familiar object…

Another reminder that major weather events also affect non-humans came in the news that the SPCA Serving Erie County plans to care for 21 dogs from an animal shelter in Florida, hit hard by Hurricane Irma. They were to be among 180 dogs getting first-class treatment aboard a Wings of Rescue flight. Some had been separated from their human families and will be cared for …

Albright-Knox Art Gallery officials, criticized over possible alterations to the landmark 1962 addition, have hired two consulting firms specializing in preservation issues. Well done. The collaboration promises to ease the worries of some critics about changes to Gordon Bunshaft’s austere addition, described by News arts critic Colin Dabkowski as “a sleek modern co…

When will county repave Maple Road as promised?In the May 1 edition of The News there was an article about the repaving of Maple Road in Amherst. The article indicated that “repaving could begin in as soon as four weeks from now on Maple Road between North Forest and Hopkins Road.” Well, as someone who drives this road daily, I can tell you this has not happened. In fa…

Don’t allow smoking on Medical CampusWe are members of Reality Check of New York, a group of teens from across the state who educate people in our communities and get them to take action to reduce the impact of tobacco.Recently, we participated in a cigarette butt pickup on Buffalo’s Medical Campus. After cleaning up cigarette butts in a park area where a yoga class me…

WASHINGTON – In September 2000, a brash Long Island congressman named Rick Lazio aggressively invaded Hillary Clinton’s space during a debate in Buffalo for the U.S. Senate and sent her on her way politically. Or so it seemed. Supported by an immense back shop, unlimited money and a strong sense of entitlement, Clinton was unstoppable. Her destiny was to become the …

By Larry Quinn On the surface, things are looking up for the Buffalo Public Schools. For the first time in many years, the district has an able leader in Superintendent Kriner Cash. He has articulated the goals and aspirations of the district well and has proven himself to be an enthusiastic collaborator with outside agencies. Although Cash won’t perform miracles a…

Self-touted historians need to stop vilifying ColumbusI’ve read so many attacks on Christopher Columbus from Johnny-come-lately, self-touted historians that it’s almost astonishing. Over five centuries have passed during which he was revered and movies of his discovery of America were shown in school auditoriums all over America on Columbus Day.My father, Nicholas, in …

Stop flushing chemicals, contaminating our waterRecently, many articles on medications and chemicals being in our fish and freshwater supply have appeared in The News. T.J. Pignataro points out a major problem within our homes and the water users and sport fishing stakeholders along the Great Lakes. All fingers seem to point to the wastewater treatment facilities and their…

Keep political statements out of actors’ award showsThe recent Emmy awards are about the entertainment of actors in their specific fields of acting. These actors take it upon themselves to use this platform to make political statements, which is wrong. Keep the show about awards. That is what it was meant for, not grandstanding for political purposes. That is why we have…

Ban firms from selling customers’ private dataI’m sure there are many dumb and outdated laws that should be eliminated. However, one that should be on the books is a law to prevent anyone from selling one’s name to others, which eventually causes tons of letters of solicitation. My house gets at least 10 of these letters weekly.I know we are not alone with this dilem…

City shouldn’t give family of robbery suspect a dimeI would like to respond to an article in The News in which it was reported that the City of Buffalo is considering offering a settlement of $600,000 for a lawsuit brought by the family of a man shot by a cop.This man was fatally shot after a police officer went to his apartment to question him about a robbery committed …

Downtown movie theater must offer more incentivesWhile I agree that a movie theater downtown is a good idea, I believe that more perks are needed for it to succeed. The new owners have mentioned a discount on parking, and this has to be adjusted to free. They also have to offer incentives such as discounts on tickets and concessions and increased police and security presen…

By Peter Simon I would have preferred to be remembered at Bennett High School’s recent 50th reunion for academic brilliance, outstanding leadership or athletic prowess. But that just wasn’t me, so I would have settled for a reputation as a nice guy with emerging hints of writing ability. After all, I penned a book report during lunch hour for a girl I had a crush…